Monday, March 31, 2008

Mother Daughter Tea Reservation Reminder

I hope everyone had a relaxing Spring Break! Don’t forget the Mother Daughter Tea Reservations are due this Friday, April 4th. Invitations were mailed home via US Mail during the week of March 17th. All girls in sixth, seventh and eighth grade should have received an invitation for them and their adult female guest(s). If you did not receive any invitation please contact me immediately. The Mother Daughter Tea committee has spent countless hours planning for a wonderful day on April 19th! I hope to see everyone on the 19th!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Market Day Volunteers Needed!!!

This Saturday, March 22, is Market Day. Volunteers are needed to help sort and pack orders. If you are available please arrive at the Lakeview gym by 9:30 a.m. All volunteers, young or older, are appreciated.

Have a great Spring Break, although it doesn’t sound like it is going to be to spring like if you are staying home:(

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Winter Athletic Banquet

Wednesday, March 19th is the Lakeview Athletic Banquet. This event starts at 6:30 p.m. in the Lakeview gym. Athletes who participated in girls and boys basketball and cheerleading will be honored. This year’s dinner is being catered by Carrabbas. After the dinner, certificates, pins and special trophies will be awarded. Athletes will be representing Lakeview and their team(s). Therefore, appropriate dress is required. Coaches have already discussed what constitutes appropriate dress with their teams. I hope to see everyone tomorrow night!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mother Daughter Tea

Mother Daughter Tea invitations will be mailed home this week! The Mother Daughter Tea is on Saturday, April 19th from 12-4 p.m. at Ashton Place. The event is open to any sixth, seventh or eighth grade girl and their adult female guest. The cost of the luncheon is $21.00. Eighth grade girls have the opportunity to participate in the Fashion Show portion of this special event. I have already begun obtaining commitments for models from the eighth grade girls. The committee has worked very hard to make this day a special one for all that attend! This year’s theme is “Promenade To Your Future”. I hope to see all of you on April 19th!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dismissal Time Safety

Now that the weather is getting warmer, I would like to remind everyone to drive safely on the Lakeview campus during dismissal time. We have a lot of students who are taking advantage of the weather and walking home. When the traffic light changes please look first before proceeding to make sure there are no students in the cross walks! Our goal is get everyone home safe! There have been several drivers who proceed through the light without looking first and I would hate to for someone to have an accident. Please, please be alert and cautious for students who are walking! Thank you and enjoy the weather!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Report Cards / Parent Teacher Conferences

Today is Report Card Day in District 66!!! Your child will be coming home with their report card today. Please keep the report card and return the signed envelope to school as soon as possible. The grades on the report card should not be a surprise since parents have online access to grades 24/7 via Parent Connect. This Thursday, March 13 is Parent Teacher Conferences at Lakeview. Conferences are from 5-8 p.m. If you would like to schedule a conference after seeing the report cards today please call the office.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Fire Safety

This past weekend we “Sprung Ahead” with our clocks. When we change time you frequently hear “change the batteries in your smoke detectors as well”. I can speak from personal experience that this is an essential thing to do!

This past weekend there was a fire at my parent’s home. Thankfully, no one was injured and the damage is minimal. The smoke detectors in the house alerted them of the fire and then my father was able to contain the fire with the use of a fire extinguisher until the fire department arrived.

I admit I never really listened to the advice of changing your smoke detector batteries with the time change. This experience has changed my mind about this! We now have new batteries in our smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher on each level of our home.

I encourage everyone to change the batteries in their smoke detectors and to have a fire extinguisher on each level of your home!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Washington DC Trip

Next year’s 8th grade students are being given the opportunity to participate in an outstanding tour of Washington, DC from October 11-13, 2008. The tour will depart the morning of October 11 and return the evening of October 13th. The price of the tour, based on 40-50 paid participants per bus, is $859.00 plus $85.00 for Refund Guarantee Protection. There will be a very important informational meeting for this trip on Tuesday, March 18th at 6:00 p.m. in the Lakeview Lobby. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Casey, Tour Moderator.

Music Man Junior

The Lakeview Drama Club is in full swing! Today is the second day of audition workshops for the Music Man Jr. Auditions will be held on March 10, 11 and 12 in the music room from 3- 5 p.m. Students auditioning will be required to do the following: a short excerpt from the song introduced at the workshop, reading from the script and the choreography taught at the workshop. The Spring Musical will be held on Friday, May 23, 2008. If parents or community members would like to help with costumes or set design they should contact Ms. Berman or Mrs. Mixon for more information.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Girls Scouts Pilot New Program

The Girls Scouts is piloting a new program at Lakeview and Prairieview for our students. The Lakeview program is a modified Girls Scouts program that will be held on four days during study hall time. The conclusion of the program is a Survivor Saturday Event. All sixth grade girls were given a brief presentation of the program by Kristen Meek, District 66 Parent as well as Girl Scouts Employee. There is a registration form on our Lakeview website for those who are interested. Registration is currently taking place as the first event is scheduled for March 6th during study hall.