Monday, March 10, 2008

Fire Safety

This past weekend we “Sprung Ahead” with our clocks. When we change time you frequently hear “change the batteries in your smoke detectors as well”. I can speak from personal experience that this is an essential thing to do!

This past weekend there was a fire at my parent’s home. Thankfully, no one was injured and the damage is minimal. The smoke detectors in the house alerted them of the fire and then my father was able to contain the fire with the use of a fire extinguisher until the fire department arrived.

I admit I never really listened to the advice of changing your smoke detector batteries with the time change. This experience has changed my mind about this! We now have new batteries in our smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher on each level of our home.

I encourage everyone to change the batteries in their smoke detectors and to have a fire extinguisher on each level of your home!

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