Wednesday, April 16, 2008

End of the Year Activites for Eighth Graders

Today, during study hall, I will be meeting with all of the Eighth Graders. We will be discussing the end of the year activities. I find it hard to believe we are quickly approaching the end of the year already! Your eighth grade son or daughter should bring a packet of information home to you today explaining all of the fun things we have planned. The following activities are being planned for Eighth Graders: a trip to Great America, a dance at Cornerstone Restaurant and a graduation ceremony. It is our intention that all eighth grade students will be able to participate in these activities so I will spend time today discussing behavior expectations and stressing that these activities are privileges that will be earned threw appropriate behavior. Should you have any questions about the end of the year activities for the eighth graders please do not hesitate to contact me. And don’t forget to ask your son or daughter for the packet of information tonight!

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